Man typing on laptop

Around this same time last year, because of pandemic-related manufacturer constraints, we wrote about the importance of taking stock of inventory and ensuring that software and hardware were up to date. Well, it’s a year later and no one expected that we would still be dealing with shortages from major players such as HP and Dell. The impact is vast and affects everyone. Remote and hybrid working schedules are here to stay which means the need for laptops, desktops and other hardware will continue to be in high demand. The best business and organizations can do is have contingency plans that allows for flexibility.

Early on in the pandemic, businesses were in crisis mode, unprepared and shocked. It’s a year later and the Delta variant caused more havoc than most anticipated. With the end of the year approaching, it’s hard to know what to expect next. Remote working has allowed companies to adjust and get back to somewhat business as usual. Companies will need to continue to come up with ways to re-engage with their workforce and to reduce operational risks, increase security and ensure customer access. One of the ways of doing so is making sure organizations focus on inventory management and having the right technology hardware.

Having hardware and software in place that make daily business functions seamless is critical. Many of the hardware we use for remote work are manufactured overseas with suppliers who also faced their own challenges with the virus and had to shut down for some time. Right now, the chip shortage is playing a major part in the reason for the delays resulting in long lead times. Many ask, why can’t the companies just build new factories or make more chips if there is a shortage? The answer is not that simple.

These computer parts are produced in specialized factories that are designed with tight controls that manage the quality of the product. Those types of factories cost billions to build and can take years to complete. In August, Intel CEO spoke with the Washington Post and stated he did not believe the chip shortage would recover until beyond 2022. Because of this, Intel has refocused their efforts in building manufacturing sites in the United States in hopes of relieving some of the bottleneck. Although this is great for the long-term, it does not address the short-term shortages many are facing. Intel does not only make parts for PC’s, they also are a major player within the automobile industry. All sectors across the board are competing for computer products leading to rising cost rise and lack of availability.

The supply chain disruption is a global issue and does not only impact us here in the United States. Because of this, AaSys recommends that you start planning as soon as possible and really assess your business needs for crucial solutions. You also want to factor in possible shipping delays. The sooner orders are placed, the better position your organization is in to deal with what may come. Also, don’t forget applications that can streamline your business process. Many institutions have adopted different technologies over the past year. Have you had time to conduct a risk assessment for these technologies and to adapt your policies and procedures?

Because no one knows what will happen next, businesses need to continue to build up resiliency, be agile and be open to a degree of flexibility. Contact your Account Executive today so they can help your organization get ready for the months ahead and beyond.

Chip shortage is starting to have major real-world consequences (